The trends of obesity have grown in the recent years. In the past there were less cases of obesity as compared to the present times. In the developed countries like the UK, US, and many European countries, children are also getting exposed to the obesity. Statistics reveal that every 3 rd child under 14 years of age is obese, every four women are suffering from obesity, and every 5th person is overweight. I have listed some of the major causes of Obesity.
- Eating fat-laden foods like chocolates, snacks and biscuits.
If you really care about your health and want to lose some extra weight, then you have to avoid chocolates, snacks and biscuits. I am not forcing you but restrict their intake to the minimum. Snacks contain more fat than you think, almost 50%. So, the best way is to stick to natural and whole some diet. I know it can be tough, but you can do it, as health is the real wealth. - Food choices and eating habits :
During the past decade, people have turned more towards fast food. The favorite choice of most of the children is fast food, which is considered as unhealthy food. Sugary food contain enormous amount of fat and increases mass of the body.
- Life style :
Your living life style plays an important role in maintaining your health. You can’t predict how much it effects. Have you ever seen a man who works hard and walks more than 5 km a day, eats simple food, don’t smoke becoming overweight. Such chances are rare; unlike a patient has some medical condition. I am not telling you to leave your luxury room, walk to office daily and quit smoking all of a sudden. These things can come slowly to your life. It’s better to turn towards active lifestyle and making healthy eating choices. - Psychological issues and Stress:
Study says that 9-10% people are obese because of psychological issues and mental stress.Some adult children have a difficult time dealing with stress, so they overeat. Many children are prone to eating in response to negative emotions like being bored, feeling anxious or being angry. - Genetics:
Child hood obesity is a big problem. It has been found that Genetics and DNA are good contributing factors for causing obesity. However, a simple and regular exercise can help your child to become normal.
- Lack of Exercise:
Do you exercise regularly? I know most of the people would say NoJ. But if you want to lose weight, then there are no short cuts for it. You have to continue with regular regimens of fitness and combining it with healthy diet.
These are the main causes of obesity. You may agree that most of these can be solved by putting in some positive efforts. Why don’t we start it from today and maintain healthy body weight!