Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reason for children obesity

obese child
Parents of obese child have to become more concern about their child weight. A survey said that adults those are obese in child hood have greater chance of heart problem, high blood pressure, diabetes problem later on age. Children of age group between 2-15 and BMI greater than 25 are categories in the overweight. It is true that not all obese infants baby becomes obese children and not all children become obese adults. There are numerous factors that contribute in obesity of child. Children do not prefer to go school by walking or cycling, they are driven by bus or parents. This decrease daily exercise of children and makes them little lazier.

Following are the main causes of childhood obesity

1. Bad eating habit: children had changes their taste of food eating junk food that contains high percentage of fat and carbohydrates. Junk food increases the risk of obesity in the child.

2. Sleep depression: late night sleep watching movie, playing computer games gives child a little sleep and this causes obesity. Sleep depression is one of the main contributors in obese child.

3. Lack of physical activity: I have mentioned above about living lifestyle in UK and US make children lacking in physical activity. Increasing technology in computer and graphics brings latest computer games that encourage children to play computer games over night. Children are losing interest in outdoor games. Outdoor games provide enough physical activity needed for a child.

4. Parental fatness: In some circumstance parental fatness comes in contributor’s factor for obese in the child. It may be possible that children parents are fatty and hence children are overweight too.

An analysis has examined that risk of children obesity are social factor, birth weight, and dietary factors their behavioral or psychological factors.

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