Obesity- Obesity is a mostly discussed topic in the European countries, probably due to the rapid growth of this condition. In this article, we discuss about obesity and overweight problems among adults.
Obesity can be measured mainly with the help of two methods - Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference.
The BMI of an adult is measured by dividing his or her weight in kilograms with height in meters squared (kg/m2). There is a pre-defined BMI table, which tells about your obesity levels.
If your BMI value is:
• Under 18.5, then you are classified as underweight
• between18.5- 25, then you are of normal healthy body weight
• between 25-30, then you are an overweight adult
• 30 or above, then you are an obese adult
• 40 or above, then are classified as morbidly obese
Although BMI allows for differences in height, it does not differentiate between mass due to body fat and mass due to muscular physique. Therefore, waist circumference is also a widely accepted appraise used to recognize those with a health risk from being overweight. A raised waist circumference is defined 120cm in men and greater than 88cm in women.
Possible causes of Obesity:
• Irregular life style
• Unhealthy eating habits
• Psychological factors like Stress
• More intake of junk food like chocolates, snacks and biscuits
• Genetically factors
• Lack of physical exercise
• Unawareness about unhealthy diet
Risks of Obesity
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Stroke and cancer
• Heart failure
• Kidney failure
Prescription Medicine for treating Obesity:
Xenical: Xenical is an effective treatment for obesity. It contains 120mg of orlistat, which is its main active ingredient. Unlike other prescription medicine that work as appetite suppressants and have direct connection with brain, Xenical works in our digestive system to block 30% of food that we eat. Weight loss with Xenical and a healthy diet also improves a number of weight- related health risks.
• Decreases total and LDL cholesterol
• Reduce blood pressure
• Minimize the levels of insulin
• Reduce the risk or delay the progression of type 2 diabetes
Who can take Xenical? Xenical is a prescription medicine that is available in all licensed pharmacies in the UK. It is also available online. It is not recommended for use among pregnant women and children less than 18 years of age.
Like all prescription medicines, Xenical Orlistat has also some side effects like oily stools, oily discharge, gas or flatulence, loose stools, vomiting nausea, and repeated bowel movements. It is always recommended to take prescription from a doctor before using it. You may buy xenical for obesity treatment from xenicalorlistat.co.uk
Alli: Alli is a new treatment for obesity. It is a reduced strength version of Xenical. Alli contains 60mg of orlistat and it has same working as Xenical. It restricts 20-25% of fat from getting absorbed by our body. Alli is also FDA approved medicine available in the market like Xenical but is available over-the-counter.