Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to avoid Childhood Obesity

Children who are overweight have high risk of developing serious health problem at a later stage. Risks of life include stroke, diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure. This risk of life increases as person become more obese. Not only obesity causes physical harassment, but obese people face psychological distress. The number of obese children all over the world has increased dynamically in last 20 years. Obesity is now become major health concern.

What should be the ideal weight for child?

It is not difficult to know whether your child is obese or not. Parents are confused whether their child is “puppy fatty” or obese. A child is obese if his or her Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 25% for boy and 32% for girl.

Possible cure for childhood obesity

1. Healthy diet

• “Starchy” foods like bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and chapatti provides half of the energy to a child. These nitrous foods contain rich “complex carbohydrates” that are best suitable for a child. Parents who are concerned about their child’s weight encourage them to eat starchy food.
• Fresh fruits, crusty bread instead of high fat foods like chocolates, biscuits, cake and crisps.
• Healthier breakfast with low sugar
• Fruits are better alternative compared to sweets and ice cream.
• Fizzy drinks are dangerous to health as they contain high in sugar.

2. Eating habits

• Children have the habit of eating food while watching TV. Don’t allow child to eat while watching TV.
• Have proper meals at regular time rather than munching for the whole day.
• Make time schedule for eating.
• Make them aware of, How to chew food?

3. Physical Activity

• It is recommended that daily exercise is must,
• Encourage child to walk daily to school in spite of going through car.
• Make them aware of outdoor games and play with child.
Know more about obesity and buy xenical for obesity treatment for adults: