Friday, May 29, 2009

Prescription Treatment for Obesity

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Today I am going to describe about present status of obesity treatment available in our country. There are a lot of methods through which you can decrease your weight- prescription medicine, non prescription medicine, natural medicine, exercise machine, tea and many more.

First talk about prescription medicine – FDA has approved some medicine for people of UK to treat obesity. You need to have proper prescription before buying it. These medicines have some side effects. So you need proper prescription before use.

Xenical, ALli, Reductil these medicines are categories in prescription medicine. Start with xenical today.

Xenical:Xenical is a FDA approved prescription medicine available in UK and US. Each tablet of Xenical contains 120mg of orlistat.

Working of Xenical: Xenical works in digestive system to block near about 35% of the fat in the food you eat from being digested. Lipases helps to break down fat which we eat, orlistat attaches itself with lipases and blocks them from breaking down some of the fat we have eaten. This undigested fat is eliminated through your bowel movements. By this technique Xenical Orlisat helps in blocking about 33% of the fat we eat from being absorbed by our body.

Side Effects of Xenical: Every medicine has some side effects. Gas, oily discharge, an increased number of bowel movements, inability to control bowel are some of the side effects experienced with Xenical.
Buy xenical: You can buy Xenical from trusted website available online. Xenical orlistat provides you FREE prescription and FREE home delivery.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Overweight population in UK

Ratio-of men and women obese in UK

A health survey report of the Department of Health for England 2003 revealed that 43% of men and 33% of women living in the UK are overweight (BMI ranging 25-30kg/m2). An additional 22% of men and 23% of women are obese (BMI more than 30kg/m2).

I have created a graph that shows overall number of men and women as overweight and obese. This graph states that more than 60% of men are either overweight or obese and very interestingly women are less overweight than men. It sounds really cool.

It’s expected that more than 12 million adults and 1 million children may become obese by 2010. Government agencies predict that one-third of men will be obese by 2010. However, don’t get confused by terms overweight and obese.
With an increasing age, obesity among people also increases dynamically. I have another graph below that unveils the truth about obesity. Government report said that 27% of men and 31% of women in the age group 16-24 years are classified as overweight or obese, in comparison to age group 55-64 years, in which 79% of men and 71% of women are classified as overweight or obese. So, it’s quite clear now how obesity levels are increasing in the UK.

Increase in obesity as age increases

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to avoid Childhood Obesity

Children who are overweight have high risk of developing serious health problem at a later stage. Risks of life include stroke, diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure. This risk of life increases as person become more obese. Not only obesity causes physical harassment, but obese people face psychological distress. The number of obese children all over the world has increased dynamically in last 20 years. Obesity is now become major health concern.

What should be the ideal weight for child?

It is not difficult to know whether your child is obese or not. Parents are confused whether their child is “puppy fatty” or obese. A child is obese if his or her Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 25% for boy and 32% for girl.

Possible cure for childhood obesity

1. Healthy diet

• “Starchy” foods like bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and chapatti provides half of the energy to a child. These nitrous foods contain rich “complex carbohydrates” that are best suitable for a child. Parents who are concerned about their child’s weight encourage them to eat starchy food.
• Fresh fruits, crusty bread instead of high fat foods like chocolates, biscuits, cake and crisps.
• Healthier breakfast with low sugar
• Fruits are better alternative compared to sweets and ice cream.
• Fizzy drinks are dangerous to health as they contain high in sugar.

2. Eating habits

• Children have the habit of eating food while watching TV. Don’t allow child to eat while watching TV.
• Have proper meals at regular time rather than munching for the whole day.
• Make time schedule for eating.
• Make them aware of, How to chew food?

3. Physical Activity

• It is recommended that daily exercise is must,
• Encourage child to walk daily to school in spite of going through car.
• Make them aware of outdoor games and play with child.
Know more about obesity and buy xenical for obesity treatment for adults:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reason for children obesity

obese child
Parents of obese child have to become more concern about their child weight. A survey said that adults those are obese in child hood have greater chance of heart problem, high blood pressure, diabetes problem later on age. Children of age group between 2-15 and BMI greater than 25 are categories in the overweight. It is true that not all obese infants baby becomes obese children and not all children become obese adults. There are numerous factors that contribute in obesity of child. Children do not prefer to go school by walking or cycling, they are driven by bus or parents. This decrease daily exercise of children and makes them little lazier.

Following are the main causes of childhood obesity

1. Bad eating habit: children had changes their taste of food eating junk food that contains high percentage of fat and carbohydrates. Junk food increases the risk of obesity in the child.

2. Sleep depression: late night sleep watching movie, playing computer games gives child a little sleep and this causes obesity. Sleep depression is one of the main contributors in obese child.

3. Lack of physical activity: I have mentioned above about living lifestyle in UK and US make children lacking in physical activity. Increasing technology in computer and graphics brings latest computer games that encourage children to play computer games over night. Children are losing interest in outdoor games. Outdoor games provide enough physical activity needed for a child.

4. Parental fatness: In some circumstance parental fatness comes in contributor’s factor for obese in the child. It may be possible that children parents are fatty and hence children are overweight too.

An analysis has examined that risk of children obesity are social factor, birth weight, and dietary factors their behavioral or psychological factors.

Buy xenical for obesity treatment

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Contribution of Food items in Daily Life

Dietary Energy supply is correlated with the rate of Obesity. Study conducted in 1979-1981 found that average energy consumption in UK and US was 3170kcal/day and 3180kcal/day respectively. In 2001-2003 energy consumed per day in UK and US rises to 3440 and 3770kcal/day respectively. People living in UK and US where much better than today people living there. Why 30% people are obese in both countries? Simple reason behind this is extra intake of calories than normal intake.
I will show you some report that describe you, our daily consumed food in home per person.

  • Graph show Grams per person per week in 2005-2006

Survey conducted in UK and we got that average weekly expenditure on food and drinks (excluding alcohol) are £20.91 per person. It is quite clear from report that we are really very much dependent on soft drinks. Report conducted in 2005-2006 well proves how much we are dependent upon soft drinks.

  • Main Food contributes to daily energy intake among Adults in UK only.

The 2000/2001 repots shows that the contribution of different food types to average daily energy intakes among adults. Potatoes and savoury snacks consumption in UK is quite 9%, cereals and creal products wins the race with 31% , milk and milk products decreases its ratio in recent decade with remain at 10%. No vegetables like meat and its product have good contribution in repot with 15%.

Friday, April 24, 2009

How much we take calories

Average intake of energy of human being aged between 19-25 years varies from 1800-2500 calories daily. What will happen if calories intake lowered from this level. I don’t need to define popular term “Obesity”. But I would like to clear it to you; Obesity is simply a disease because of extra fat in your body.
From repot it is found that every obese person’s intake is 4 times greater than normal person intake of calories. It means that an obese person will take around 1800-2500* 4= 7200 – 10000 of calories. Is anybody aware how much calories is there in one egg: - I will tell you, one egg contains approx 80 calories of energy i.e. a single obese person can take 90 to 125 eggs daily. So, how much you are going to invest in 125 eggs daily? It will be 5- 10 £ daily in a day.
Now I will show you some more interesting statistics. In 2005/06 the average weekly spending on food and drink (not including alcohol) brought home, in the UK, was £20.91 per candidate, while spending on food and drink (not including alcohol) eaten out was £7.79. Between 1995 and 2005/06, overall spending on food and non-alcoholic drink had climbed by 8.6% in real terms mainly due to increased spending on eating out, which increased by 43% in real terms.
This report shows the increase in expenditure of food.
In my next post I will discuss about how much we eat and the percentage of food items participating to boost our energy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Report On Obesity

Report on obesity may Surprise you but it’s true. New survey conducted by NGO found that 30% children are obese means 1 out of 3 children is suffering from obesity today.

In 2006 total 24% adults are aged 16 or above in England were obese. In compare to 1993 report only 15% are categorized in obese. This report tells both men and women are obese.

Women are more likely to be morbidly 3% than compared to men 1%. Means women are not interested in losing weight.

37% per cent of adults had a raised waist circumference in 2006 compared to 23% in 1993.Women were more likely than men to have a raised waist circumference (41% and 32% respectively).

There is unbelievable rise in waist circumference of men and women in 2006. 37% adults were having waist more than normal compared to 23% in 1993. I have mentioned the range of normal waist size in previous post.

By evaluating both BMI and waist circumference we can asses risk of health problems, around 20% were estimated to be at increased risk , 13% at high risk and 21% at very high risk.
Running in parallel to men, women are 14% at increased risk, 16 % at high risk and 23% at very high risk.
If we talk about children obesity in 2006, 16% of children aged 2 to 15 were obese.
You can imagine how obesity has surrounded our country.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Measure Obesity by BMI

Simplest definition for obesity is extra weight in your body. Gathering of fat is known as obesity that increases risk of diseases and brings to an end of life earlier in stage. I have already discussed in previous post about Risks of Obesity. Obesity may be distributed around the body or concentrate on the stomach or hips and thighs.

We can determine our obesity through BMI ratio. BMI is body mass index. Doctors use BMI to evaluate your mass against height. There is specific result for good healthy body.

Slandered Ratio: to measure Obesity

BMI ratio


Under 18




25- less than 30


30 over


40 and more

Morbidly obese

How BMI is calculated?

  1. Weight  your body

  2. Measure your height

  3. Multiply twice your height

  4. Divide mass to calculated height

  5. The result is BMI

Example: My weight is 80Kg and height 172cm   Convert 172cm to meter i.e. 1.72m, next multiply height twice we get  1.72*1.72= 2.95.

And BMI= Mass/2.95

So, BMI= 80/2.95=27.11kg/m2

The result shows that I am overweight.

BMI shows the difference in weight, it does not differentiates the difference between mass due to body fat and mass due to muscular physique, or the distribution of fat. Therefore, waist circumference is also widely well-known measure used to recognize the obesity. A raised waist circumference is defined as greater than 102cm in men and greater than 88cm in women.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Risks of Obesity

Hi Guy’s
How you all doing?
I have some special news to all of you especially those who are obese. A survey was conducted by Clinical Trail Service Unit and they concluded that each piece of increase in BMI body mass index above the health zone of 20-25 will raise premature death risk.
BMI 40-50 Reduces life expectancy by about 10 years
BMI 30-39 Reduces life expectancy by about 3 years
Looks unbelievable, but it’s true. Do you know the risks of Obesity? I have mentioned few of them below:
1. high blood pressure
2. diabetes
3. stroke and some forms of cancer
Amongst middle-aged people in the United Kingdom, as many as one in four deaths from heart attack or stroke and one in 16 cancer deaths are due to being obese. High blood pressure is reason of obesity; if you are not aware of risks of high blood pressure then I will clear it to you. Following are the diseases caused by blood pressure in your body
a) Coronary heart disease
b) Heart Failure
c) Kidney failure.
We have discussed about Causes for obesity and risks of obesity, so did you get some plan how to save our self form obesity.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cause For Obesity

Obesity has become a common health problem among people worldwide, especially in the developed countries. People are gaining excess body weight primarily due to irregular lifestyle and unhealthy eating choices. This excess body weight can be calculated with the help of a BMI (body mass index), which is a ratio of weight in kilograms and height in meters squared. Doctors also refer to the obesity measure while diagnosing their patients.

The trends of obesity have grown in the recent years. In the past there were less cases of obesity as compared to the present times. In the developed countries like the UK, US, and many European countries, children are also getting exposed to the obesity. Statistics reveal that every 3 rd child under 14 years of age is obese, every four women are suffering from obesity, and every 5th person is overweight. I have listed some of the major causes of Obesity.
  1. Eating fat-laden foods like chocolates, snacks and biscuits.
    If you really care about your health and want to lose some extra weight, then you have to avoid chocolates, snacks and biscuits. I am not forcing you but restrict their intake to the minimum. Snacks contain more fat than you think, almost 50%. So, the best way is to stick to natural and whole some diet. I know it can be tough, but you can do it, as health is the real wealth.
  2. Food choices and eating habits :
    During the past decade, people have turned more towards fast food. The favorite choice of most of the children is fast food, which is considered as unhealthy food. Sugary food contain enormous amount of fat and increases mass of the body.
  3. Life style :
    Your living life style plays an important role in maintaining your health. You can’t predict how much it effects. Have you ever seen a man who works hard and walks more than 5 km a day, eats simple food, don’t smoke becoming overweight. Such chances are rare; unlike a patient has some medical condition. I am not telling you to leave your luxury room, walk to office daily and quit smoking all of a sudden. These things can come slowly to your life. It’s better to turn towards active lifestyle and making healthy eating choices.
  4. Psychological issues and Stress:
    Study says that 9-10% people are obese because of psychological issues and mental stress.Some adult children have a difficult time dealing with stress, so they overeat. Many children are prone to eating in response to negative emotions like being bored, feeling anxious or being angry.
  5. Genetics:
    Child hood obesity is a big problem. It has been found that Genetics and DNA are good contributing factors for causing obesity. However, a simple and regular exercise can help your child to become normal.
  6. Lack of Exercise:
    Do you exercise regularly? I know most of the people would say NoJ. But if you want to lose weight, then there are no short cuts for it. You have to continue with regular regimens of fitness and combining it with healthy diet.

These are the main causes of obesity. You may agree that most of these can be solved by putting in some positive efforts. Why don’t we start it from today and maintain healthy body weight!